Learning to sew (again)!
Laura Fults is running a 6-week sewing bootcamp at Fabrication, and it's a trip down memory lane. We're all remembering—a grandmother's sewing box, that long-suffering junior high (sic, some of us pre-date the middle school era) home ec teacher, and the infamous red polka-dot dress with the crooked seams and the meandering zipper.
In our first session, we made coasters, and there were revelations, to wit:
•It's a bad idea to use one machine needle for 20 years
•Re bobbin tension, righty tighty, lefty loosey
•Linen is the earth-friendliest of fabrics
•Read the manual
•It's possible to control which way the stitches are landing on the fabric
Laura Fults is running a 6-week sewing bootcamp at Fabrication, and it's a trip down memory lane. We're all remembering—a grandmother's sewing box, that long-suffering junior high (sic, some of us pre-date the middle school era) home ec teacher, and the infamous red polka-dot dress with the crooked seams and the meandering zipper.
In our first session, we made coasters, and there were revelations, to wit:
•It's a bad idea to use one machine needle for 20 years
•Re bobbin tension, righty tighty, lefty loosey
•Linen is the earth-friendliest of fabrics
•Read the manual
•It's possible to control which way the stitches are landing on the fabric
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